Attention Passionate
 Group Fitness Instructors

P.S. All formats welcome
  • Finally know what it takes to PACK your Class so you can focus on rocking your classes instead of just announcing them
  • ​Discover what's the Missing Link between students saying they want to come to class (but don't) and them actually showing up...and coming back!
  • ​Uncover the Simple Facebook Secrets to double your Fitness Classes whether you teach at a gym, rent space, own a studio or do virtuals

" my zumba classes doubled!"

- ZIN Luiza Mustafina, Australia

The goal is to get 10 extra students to your class in 3 days, this is how...

Day # 1

Get Students 
To Come Back

Training is pre-recorded and waiting for you
PACKED Classes start with a core crew of loyal students. Day#1 of the Challenge is all about how to create these raving fans so you can count on them to show up week after week.

Day # 2

Get NEW Students Without Posting

Training is pre-recorded and waiting for you
To PACK a class word needs to spread about the class. Posting is NOT the only way to spread the word. Day#2 of the Challenge is about exploring how to get new faces without social media!

Day # 3

Double your Classes without Subbing, Driving or Spamming

Training is pre-recorded and waiting for you
Spreading the word in the largest social media platform takes more than just posting your schedule. Day#3 of the Challenge is all about uncovering the secrets to using Facebook to legit, double the students in your class, getting hired and starting over in a new location.

Day#4: BONUS

The Secret Step MOST Instructors totally miss

Training is pre-recorded and waiting for you
This is the step most instructors are skipping that's preventing them from packing their classes. You don't want to miss this training because all that work will be lost if you don't do this last step that takes your future students from saying they'll show up to ACTUALLY showing up

Make $1K without Teaching more Classes

Make Money without teaching more classes, without packing your classes and without raising your prices
* Training is pre-recorded and waiting for you

Get 10 Students 
in 3 Days Gameplan

Get an easy-to-follow plan that I will personally walk you through. 
This is a 20-min private 1:1 ZOOM Call

Grow your classes!

This challenge is for Group Fitness Instructors who..

  • Teach In-Person or Virtual Fitness Classes
  • Teach one or several Fitness formats
  • Teach at a gym, club or YMCA
  • Rent space to teach fitness classes
  • Own a studio



is the challenge going to be happen?

  • All the trainings happen in the Facebook Group The Stage. 

When is it ? 


Is it really FREE?
Yes, my purpose is to give you all the tools you need to pack your classes and succeed as a Fitness Instructor. I know how much you work preparing your classes, practicing, learning and training all for 2 people to show up. It's frustrating! I want you to pack your classes.

What if I'm too busy?
No worries, the challenge is pre-recorded so you can watch it on your time zone, before/after teaching class, during the weekend, whenever it fits YOUR schedule.

Do I have to buy something?
Not if you don't want to. The Challenge is completely free but not permanent. If you are  a busy mama or teach 271 classes or have 3 other jobs then I highly recommend you enroll in the Backstage VIP pass so you get access to the #replays (and extra bonuses) but that is totally up to you. 

What if my students are not on Facebook?
That's ok, we are going to explore how to grow your classes outside of facebook as well.

What if I just started teaching and have no students yet?
You can still join!  you'll learn what it takes to build a class right from the get go.

What if I teach multiple formats?
The challenge will address how to promote one format vs promoting multiple formats so you can decide which approach is best for you.

" What jessica is telling us golden, 
all we have to do is listen and apply!"


Meet Your Host

  • Jessica has a passion for dance. She has been dancing for over 30 years. She is trained in Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop and Contemporary. She has performed in stages in the USA and Mexico. She has been teaching Dance for over 20 years teaching children all the way to seniors.
  • When she became a mom she was immediately captivated by the Group Fitness industry. She teaches Zumba, Aqua and Cycle. 
  • ​She discovered the secret to social media by accident. She was involved in a skincare company and was struggling to sell her products in person. She decided to go the online route and sell through Facebook, but that was also proving difficult. However, she was determined to figure out how to use Facebook to sell her products. She was a mom of 3 and wanted desperately to attend the Zumba Convention in Florida. She needed funds to make it happen. She developed the 3-Step Formula that would push her online sales allowing her to finance her trip for 3 years in a row.
  • Being a dancer at heart she decided to use the 3-Step Formula for Fitness instead of skincare and that's when the unexpected happened: her classes tripled! she went from 5 to 55 students. In fact, All of her classes were PACKED!
  • This was a welcomed side-effect! Now she coaches other instructors on how to grow their own classes
  • ​Instructors from USA, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Romania, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Australia and New Zealand are growing their Classes using her 3-Step Formula. Not only that, but her clients are getting pay raises hired, getting mentioned by the pro's and living their dream by simply using Facebook differently


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